Friday, February 23, 2018
Highland High School Region Solo and Ensemble Performers
Thank you to everyone who auditioned! There were SO many fabulous performances to choose from. I'm sorry I couldn't send everyone!!
A yellow box means I'm missing some info from you and I need you to come see me ASAP so I can fill in the gaps.
Some critical info you need to know:
1) You have to have an original copy of your music to give the judges, or else you will receive an 'NR' (no rating). If you bought it online, please highlight where it says you purchased it. If you got it off the choral public domain library, please write that at the bottom of the music.
2) You must have every single measure numbered. If you don't know what this means, please come see me!
3) Your solo or small ensemble performance will be scheduled sometime between 3:15 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. on Wednesday, March 7th, at Murray High School (it's close this year! Yay!). You will be responsible to travel with a parent there. Parents are welcome to watch. I will have your specific time slot by Friday of next week!
4) You can watch an hour of performances for your term 3 performance observation. This goes for ANY HHS student, even if you're not performing.
5) I would like to work with each of you once before you perform at Murray. Please come see me to set up a time. I'm always available during first lunch and right after school.
6) You need to look your very best- no joggers, tennis shoes, untucked shirts, etc.
7) Please work with your accompanist in advance MANY times before performing! If you are having trouble getting in touch with your accompanist, please see me right away.
8) See me IMMEDIATELY if you have decided not to perform. You cannot simply not show up once you're given a performance time.