November Choir Notes
Important November Dates:
- November 30th: Third tour payment of $188 is due (or you can pay online through Sunday, Dec 2 until 10:00 p.m.).
Important December Dates:
- Monday, December 3: Secret Snow People start! You will be assigned a secret snow person from one of the 5 choirs durin the last week of November. You'll leave something for your snow person once a week until the concert. It must be clearly labeled with their names. Please spend no more than $5 TOTAL for the three weeks! You'll leave two things before the concert and bring the third thing to the reveal before the concert (see below). Please do not sign up to participate if you aren't going to follow through with your commitment to your secret snow person.
- Thursday, December 6: Choir caroling social. All choirs are invited! We are meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the choir room and heading out in the neighborhood to carol for about 45 minutes. We will return to the choir room for hot chocolate and treats afterward. This is not mandatory, but students can use this as their, "Sing to Serve" project for term 2 (they need to write a 1 page paper afterward about their experience).
- Friday, December 7: En Chantant, Concert Choir, and Madrigals sing on Temple Square. The busses will leave the school at 3:15 p.m. We will perform first at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building at 4:00 p.m. We will then perform at the Assembly Hall at 5:30 p.m. Students should go straight from the JSMB to the Assembly Hall basement for instructions from the temple square staff.
- Monday, December 17: Closing social for the performing arts service drive. Come enjoy breakfast and help assemble items for those in need.
- Wednesday, December 19: Term 2 Choir Concert. Call time for ALL CHOIRS is 6:15 p.m. Those who chose to participate in the Secret Snow Person exchange for December are invited to come at 5:45 p.m. to do the final reveal! The performance is from 7:00 p.m.-8:15 p.m. Please invite any HHS choir alumni to come sing the Candlelight Carol with us at the end!
- The Madrigals holiday performance calendar will be complete on Monday, November 1st, and no more mandatory performances will be added after that date.
- We've started a choir "remind" to keep everyone in the loop when socials, due dates, concerts, etc. are coming up. To be added to the choir remind list, send a text to the number 81010. In the body of the text message, write this: @8khkg2