Monday, July 1, 2019

Holly Banfield, Voice Teacher

Holly Banfield

"My primary instruction is in voice.  I can teach anything from novice to emerging professional voice.  My primary instruction is in voice.  I can teach anything from novice to emerging professional voice lessons.

Teaching music is a passion for me.  It brings me great joy to help my students accomplish their dreams.  I have been a choir director for 9 years.  I have received a bachelor's and master's degree in music education, with a vocal emphasis.  I am starting my doctorate in August 2019 in vocal performance at the University of Utah.  My students consistently receive superior ratings in festivals, lead roles in musical theater and opera shows, and many of them have gone on to study music as a career.  My hope for my students is to help them see the potential within themselves and to rise to that potential.  I believe the techniques and skill sets I have acquired will help pave the way for my students to achieve their goals and ambitions. I can also teach beginning to intermediate piano and guitar lessons."