Wednesday, September 4, 2019

September Choir Notes

We've had a wonderful start to the year- I absolutely adore each one of my kiddos! I've loved having Emily Vorhees on board. She is our student teacher from the University of Utah. She is kind and responsible and has the voice of an angel. We are lucky to have her!

Important September Dates:
  • Friday, September 6, 4:30-6:30 p.m. @ HHS: First voice lesson for students participating in the U of U Research study
  • Friday, September 13, 5:00-9:00 p.m. @ Utah State Fair: Madrigals perform with Journey
  • Friday, September 20, 4:30-6:30 @ HHS: Second voice lesson for students participating in the U of U Research Study
  • Saturday, September 21, 11:00 a.m. @ Sugarhouse Park: Madrigals sing the Star Spangled Banner at the ALS Walk
  • September 23-26: In-Class Performances for all classes.  Click here to see the requirements for this assignment.  Students signed up for a date and time in class.
  • September 25-26 @ HHS: Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • En Chantant and Concert Choir students need to pay for their uniforms by Friday, September 13th.  These payments can be done online at or in person to our treasurer, Jennie Gangroth.  Please email me with any questions.
  • SATB Ram Choir students will wear all black for the concert (no jeans, please- business casual attire). Please email me if you would like these items ordered. You can pay through the treasurer (fee waiver applies if you qualified).  
Upcoming Events:
  • Monday, October 21st, 6-8:30 p.m.: Our first concert is in conjunction with our yearly fundraiser. We sell desserts from 6:00-6:50 p.m. for $5 each and provide entertainment while guests eat their treats.  Then, we have our concert in the auditorium from 7:00-8:30 p.m. The concert is FREE admission. This year's theme is "The Sweet Sounds of Broadway."
    • I am looking for parents to donate desserts. These can be store bought.  The easiest thing are cakes and pies.  We try to give a generous serving for $5.  Please email me if you're interested in donating, or if you have a connection to a restaurant/store who might be willing to donate some cakes/pies to us.
    • I am looking for a parent to coordinate all the dessert donations.  This would involve contacting all the parent volunteers who email me (I would forward the emails along) and telling them when to bring desserts, keeping track of how many servings we have donated, possibly reaching out to more parents if we don't have enough, making sure we have serving utensils, for what is being brought, etc. 
    • I am looking for 3-5 parents to help our choir council decorate the tables, set up the desserts, take tickets, and serve the desserts. We already have tablecloths we can borrow through the school, as well as some little centerpieces.  We just need help getting it set up after school on October 21st.  
Disclosure Document:
  • If you missed the Disclosure Document, you can read them below:
    • Click HERE for Madrigals
    • Click HERE for SATB Ram, En Chantant, and Concert Choir