Based on a decision as a department to become more unified and support one another as a Performing Arts team, I am changing the way Concert Reports will be done in choir. Each term, students will still turn in a concert report; however, it will be done on a new form and the requirements for what students need to see have changed! Here are the new requirements:
Over the course of the year, students need to attend a performance from four different areas in the performing arts, one per term:
- HHS Theater Program
- HHS Dance Program
- HHS Instrumental Program
- A Choir Concert OUTSIDE of HHS (U of U, Westminster, Mormon Tabernacle Choir, SLCC, Salt Lake Symphonic Choir, Hillside, etc.)
Arts Observation
Student Name: _______________________ Name of Performance Attended:
Date of Performance: __________________ Location of Performance:
*Please staple a program to this form
for full credit*
Please answer the following questions
in complete sentences. Feel free to use another sheet of paper.
1. Describe the basics of the performance (how
many people, what they presented, how long, etc.):
2. Do you like this type of performance? Why or
why not?
1. What kind of audience does this performance
appeal to and why? Consider age, culture, gender, etc.
2. What are some of the things that make this
performance interesting to watch as an audience member?
1. Choose one piece of music, one dance, or one
scene/monologue from the performance. Summarize what it’s about.
2. Why do you think the choreographer/author/composer
chose to present this piece as they did?
Here are all the HHS Performing Arts Performances for the year. Remember, our choir concerts don't count for the choir requirement! Some of the performances cost money, but many of them are FREE or discounted for students. Students need to save a program to attach with the new Performing Arts Observation form to receive full credit. I will hand out the form in class.
HHS Performing Arts Performances by
Discipline and Term
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
October 17,
7:00 pm, Fall Concert @ HHS
December 20,
7:00 pm, Winter Concert @ HHS
March 13, 7:00
p.m., Spring Concert @HHS
May 21, 7:00
pm, End of Year Concert @ HHS
October 4, 7
pm, Fall Dance Showcase @ HHS (Gym)
March 8, 9, 10,
12, 7:00 pm, Dance Company Concert @ HHS
April 16, 7:00
pm, Dance Department Showcase @ HHS
September 25th,
5:00 pm, Shakespeare Showcase @ HHS
November 2, 4,
6, 7, School Musical, 7:00 pm @ HHS
December 11,
7:00 pm, Cabaret @ HHS
February 12-14,
7:00 pm, Winter Play @ HHS (Little Theater)
May 3, 4, 5, 7,
7:00 pm, Student Directed Musical @ HHS (Little Theater)
May 11, 7:00
pm, Ram’s Act @ HHS (Little Theater)
October 12,
6:00 pm, Fall Concert @ HHS
Dec 14, 6:00
pm, Winter Concert @ HHS
January 31,
7:00 pm, Hillside Combined Concert @ HHS
April 11, 7:00
pm, Spring Band/Orchestra Concert @ HHS
May 22, 7:00
pm, End of Year Band/Orchestra Concert @ HHS
October 12,
7:00 pm, Fall Concert @ HHS
Dec 14, 7:30
pm, Winter Concert @ HHS
February 1,
7:00 pm, Hillside Combined Concert @ HHS
April 11, 7:00
pm, Spring Band/Orchestra Concert @ HHS
May 22, 7:00
pm, End of Year Band/Orchestra Concert @ HHS